Creating a New Blog

Click on the “+ new page” button.  Select the “blog” option.

Enter in your blog title information here, then hit the "Save Blog" button to save your settings.

SquareHook creates three options to integrate a blog into a website. Clients can embed an existing Blogger account, a Tumblr account, or clients can create a blog using our SquareHook blog tool. Clients can quickly and easily add and edit blog posts.


Note: If you are going to create a blog through the SquareHook tool, just select the “SquareHook” button, and hit “Save Blog”.


Edit the Settings of a Specific Blog

Click on the “blog settings” button. The image below will pop up:


Be sure to also adjust the URL to the new blog title (see image above)
Hit the “save button.

Adding a Blog Post

To create a new blogpost, hit the +Add Post button.  A posting page will pop up


Enter in the Title of your post. 

Begin typing your blog post.  You can edit your text box similar to most other blog writing features or Word programs. 

To reference a link somewhere in your article, highlight the words you want to link off to, and select the LINK button.  A box will pop up where you can enter in the URL you want to link to.  You have the option to have another window open.


Once, you have entered in the URL, you can hit the Add Link button.

To add an image, select the picture icon, an image library will pop up.  You will have several options to add an image. 

  1. You can drag an image into the dotted box area
  2. You can hit the SELECT FILES button to retrieve an image from somewhere in your computer.
  3. You can select an already downloaded image in your library.

Once the image is loaded, you just click on the image to drop it into your text box.  You can adjust the image within your text box.

If you are unsure of any of the toolbox buttons in the blog feature, you can just hover your mouse over that button for a reference for what it can do.

To add tags to your post, move down to the tag area.   Begin to type in the words you would like to be associated to the blog, with # to separate the words.  (example: #webdesign #smile )


If you are satisfied with your post, you can select the button to save it and make it live.

To view your older posts, click on the +View more+ link


If you would like to go back to a previous blog post and edit content, you can click on either the Edit button or the Delete button.