Your customer has placed an order!  Now what?


Select the ORDER # to bring up the purchase.


Within the ORDER # you can view the items purchased, who purchased it, their contact information (ie: address, email, etc)


Accept Payment

Select the PROCESS PAYMENT to accept their card payment.  You need to do this within the first 7 days, otherwise the card payment will no longer be valid, and will just drop off.


Once you do, the purchase will be moved into the OPEN orders.


Once your order is ready to be fulfilled (packaged and addressed) you can add a tracking number (optional) and hit SEND FULFILLMENT, so your customer knows their order is on their way.


Your order will say it has been fulfilled, select CLOSE ORDER to close it.


You will be asked if you're sure you want to close the order.


Your fulfilled order is now in your CLOSED ORDER section.


Refund Payment

Select the REFUND PAYMENT to refund their card payment.


Select REFUND if you want to cancel a payment.